Sep 10, 2011

why a few lines more work for me.....

I know and i often wonder why i end up bragging blah over simple things that can be summed up into a line. But then for me even though if its just a line that holds the gravity of the matter, i prefer to take a flight around to see the possibilities. There's never the most righteously conjured line of thought that can describe the state of mind which gives way to the words to form that meaningful line. There's always room to accommodate more may be not in the same line and that asks for more lines and in that process you may have to churn out blah. Blah or the utter crap of the mind often spills out information of lesser importance but then it is the value one attaches to the importance of the matter that makes you go that extra mile....

Well, now you know why the blog got a tad longer than the obvious one line that would've been apt for the primary concern of the post. There's also the choice of medium of expression that adds to the thought. If I were to make a statement of the summation of the blog I would've chosen the twitter for the restriction of the medium of choice allows for no blah unless you accommodate the discontinuous flow of thoughts....Blogspace gives me that privilege to take that li'l flight above the ground and also assures a safe landing post flight.

Don't hesitate to continue to wonder at all things that can be bottled into the tiniest of containers for there's enough space to make way for anything and everything that this li'l thing inside our head, of which we can effectively use only 5% of it, can churn out....have a happy wandering....:)

Sep 5, 2011

it is...

it is but...
it is not the same everyday .....
of course it is not the same everyday....
why will it be the same when everyday is not the same....
you can wonder what is it while i pretend to know nothing about It...
I wanted to promise the reader that its going to be sshort and affirm that I will not dwell into the matters of my least interest...but then i chose not to say that in the beginning for I knew well before I started this That you'll know it when You read along and find that there's nothing more....

Aug 12, 2011

the landscape of pluralism - an overview

An Overview: the landscape of pluralism
Last night was without any question an intriguing night in a long time when I look at it from a young architect’s point of view. All the credit goes to the stimulating talk by Ar. Prof. Rahul Mehrothra at the IISc auditorium for the launch of his book ‘the landscape of pluralism’ that triggered a lot questions in us, the practicing architects. More than questions I would say it was more of an opportunity for us to take dig into our own understanding of the practice and architecture in particular.
You know you’ve been to a fantastic talk when in the middle of the following week you are still wondering what you draw out of it for your own self. Taking no credit away from Rahul mehrothra’s own analysis of the contemporary architectural scenario in India I will now try to gauge my perception of my understanding of a practice and architecture as a by-product of the same.
Rahul being a practicing architect himself did what most architects would hesitate to even think of, especially when it comes to authoring a book which has no place for one of his own. Well after having a sneak peek into the contents of the book you’d only wonder why he chose not have any of his works for you’d see that He had a work that would find a place in every category that he broadly categorized in the context of Indian contemporary[1990-2010] architecture. He’s done it all. May be he wanted to be unbiased and remain true in forming his opinions of what is propelling the by-product of a practice in India.
One of the striking features of the talk was that for the first time there was an importance that was given to the patrons who drive the design above the concepts and the different schools of thought in architecture that took a backseat. And another was that He looked at everything from a layman’s point of view when he picked what is featured in the book and the only time he becomes an architect is while analysing the nexus between an architect and the patron.
In one of the categories he points out to the patrons as ‘Impatient capitalists’ who seem to hold the key to the kind of architecture that surface. He was also quick to note that as the patience of the patron builds, it makes way for better spaces to live. After all practice is, to meet the demand of the client but also not to succumb to it. Well, as a young practicing architect I can only wonder how not to succumb to the impatience of the client but to cater to meet his demand, while in that small gap between surviving a practice and meeting the demand of the patron, you see an opportunity.
In rest of the categories it is the primary interest of the patron which becomes the platform for a practice and gives way to architecture as it evolves, be it – a conservationist or a sustainable or a practice that resists the advent of modern or contemporary architecture. On the other hand he also stands still and takes note of the impact of architecture that is based on popular influence of Vastu, which is a booming market for the non architects who stand a better chance of surviving the competition from a qualified architect, while holding the client to ransom to faith. Or even the barefoot architecture of the masses. In all, while we [as architects only] debate of what is the essence of space as we understand, which is an influence to the way we live, there’s a driving force that catapults us in a direction we can’t ignore but think!!!
And when we return to the table to draw that line to define the space that we believe has its heart in the right place, the patron who inhibits the space is always there, playing his part in our minds. The concepts, the ideologies and the Isms of architecture to follow, build on this very foundation that is laid by the patrons. Well, we all knew it but Rahul Mehrothra, a master in his own right[], made that all visible and available at the tip of our fingers. He raised the issue that has never been touched upon, in my limited knowledge, which triggered a lot of questions. Questions that seek to know where you want to belong. You’ll also find an answer that only makes you believe that it’s a long and continuous struggle to belong where you want to be and this is just the beginning.

Jul 26, 2011

Same old shitty experiment.....

to see where and how to start anything new and find out what fills into the space in between the start and the finish....Before i typed the last line I was wondering if I should type this line that follows before that. I want you to read the first line in the same breath as you read the topic of the post above and this definitely isn't the beginning. But then i chose to say what is already said before I said what I intended to say.... For me both work just as fine as the other as long as both find a time and place in what i do while I do what I am doing.

After having said all that i had in my mind to say, I am now staring into the screen of my laptop with no idea of what to do next. I am continuing to wonder... I wonder if all this makes any sense. I wonder if there's any meaning in what i am doing. I wonder if I should just post it for I have already said why I am doing what I am doing. I wonder when is the time that is right to just click that button that will make it available to the whole world... I wonder how is that world that I may never see which is in access to what I feel about this very moment. I wonder If times stands still till I make that decision to do.... I wonder if all that I can only do is WONDER at the wonder of this wonder called 'whatever that one may call it but which a few choose to call it A WONDERFUL life'. I am still wondering or wandering still, Am I ?!

Without any fear of making mistakes I am continuing to ponder over the eventuality of getting somewhere anywhere where I may find I wonder what... But anything is welcome with open arms wide spread, wide enough to accommodate even more....

Looking down at the bottom of the screen I can now see an orange button that says publish now and the one next to it thats been constantly saving while i am toggling between other tabs trying to socialize on one page and check mail on the other... and the third one says Preview.... I beginning to wonder once again if preview is going to be any different from what I already know. And then there's this cautionary blinker that pops up every time the second button tries to automatically save 'All' my effort from the last 45 minutes to say these words that's so discouraging to continue doing what I am doing.... It says "An error occurred while trying to save".....

And that's the point I decided not try and save this into my draft nor see the preview of what I already know but instead press the button that says - publish post....sorry for eating away few precious minutes of your life But I see there are PARALLELS that can be DRAWN....

Jul 24, 2011

from darkness to light n back. . . .

Well all things come in here. when i say all it means a lot of things.Things like why I have not posted anything on my blog for so long and what are the things that's running mockery in my mind so on and so forth. . . But then most of the the questions have more or less the same answers or at least i can just say one thing and make you believe its the answer. . . and that is circumstances if I may say so.
Here i might even want to say how i regret being unable to post anything in the months of may and june and How i miss the two months on my archive list but then Its alright to miss a few things every now and then. You know, there's some sort of delusional satisfaction at your mercy to console yourself when you are in a situation you dare not imagine yourself being in the middle of one but in reality your are sailing right through one. . . In troubled waters you become your own strength. . .

All that i wanted to say or write or whatever that means right to the reader was, what I just did in the basement. I was drinking my Foster's beer and walking around with a smoke in my hand in the basement of my office...oops I almost forgot to mention in darkness. In fact what i forgot or remembered late or last was the most important thing that i wanted to say. I was intending to share with you the comfort of darkness over light.

As I told you earlier While walking in the dark i stumbled upon something under my feet. Feeling the same with my feet I kicked that thing around to light, first of all to see what it was and then decide what to do with it. In light i saw that it was, a tiny li'l coconut that might have fallen, separated from the tree, unable to bear with the force of the gusting winds, what ever be the reason, it was in the basement in the darkness and now in light but right under my feet.

I looked at the tiny thing on the floor and decided to kick it out of my sight through the gate. I placed it in light at a comfortable distance so that I could run in and kick the coconut out... Ran in hard and as luck of one us would have it, I missed the shot... The nut still remained in light on the floor of the basement. Ran in once again and this time I made sure i made contact with the nut but All that i could muster was brush the tip of the nut and the nut just rolled a few yards and settled at a distance....

One last time i told myself and with all the focus and conviction to get that thing out of my sight I ran in once again and kicked the nut towards the gate...the contact was just perfect, the direction was even better.... the nut went exactly where I intended until it hit that thin 6mm flat in the gate and rebounded back into the basement, into the light and slowly rolled back and slipped away into the darkness. . . .

I learned a thing or two about the comfort of being lost in the darkness in that small act in the middle of the night, with a heavy head just about buzzing, As for you you can choose to be either a nut in the basement safely lost in the darkness or myself waiting for that light with a little comfort. . . But in the act If you see yourself being me, just experience everything with eyes WIDE shut.....

Apr 4, 2011

comments please. . . .

Not that I care, what the world has to say about what I think but just for me to know that the world knows what I am talking about. I don't expect every tom dick n harry, who randomly comes across my page to post a comment on my blog. I know, I am one of the T D H s for them as well. But once they post their view, they no longer remain strangers, we shall find the comfort somewhere....

I know and I understand that, its a mess to have expectations, for it only gives rise to equal and opposite expectations at the other end.  Yeah I know, I Just tweaked newton's third law of motion a bit to make my own theory of relativity. . . . oops now that sounds like Einstein's also there as well. Don't worry, I will make you feel special. All I need is a little confirmation of the fact that somebody's reading what's up their on my blog. If you think typing is not your cup of tea, I suggest you to make clicking your cup of coffee. . . all that you may have to do is click a button at the end of the post. 

I sometimes try to be over smart, which most people who know me personally know, so if you don't like coffee for I have made the decoction to suit my taste buds. You'll have to make that li'l effort to say that coffee was not so great and you had to choose tea over it, to make your point clear. That should do for me. You know, I am also a hypocrite but with a difference- 'I accept it'. You see those three buttons at the bottom of my post will only read nice, very nice and very very nice. . . So if you don't like it at all, You have no other option but to go for the TEA. . .i mean type a comment, throw a few brickbats.....

Now if you fail to click one of those three options at the bottom of the post, it only makes me wonder, if no one ever read it, all the way to the end to notice those tiny li'l buttons- at all. In fact as I was typing I was stupid enough to think that the buttons should be shifted to the top of the post instead of being at the bottom. Can't help it.....that's where they have to be. . . . 

Ok, finally after all the bullshit that you had to go through, much like life itself,  to get here, all I would like to say is please do leave your comments if you don't like this too. . . . not that your comments are valuable but they are
What belongs to you is always priceless, price is always set by others. . .

Mar 22, 2011

naanaanenaaa? ? ? ?

naaneenaadreneenaanaadeeya? ? ? ?
neenaanaadrenaaneenaagtheena? ? ? ?
naanaanenaa? ? ? ?
neeneenenaa? ? ? ?
naanilladanaanaanenaa? ? ? ?
naanilladaneeneenenaa? ? ? ?
neeninnilladanaanaanenaa? ? ? ?

neeniddarenaa. . . .
neeniddarenenaa. . . . .
naaniddareneneena? ? ? ?
naanilladeyuneeneenenaa? ? ? ?
naaneenilladanaaneenaavaa? ? ? ? 
illa naanaanenaa? ? ? ? neeneenenaa? ? ? ?
naaneenaadreneenaanenaaaaaa? ? ? ? ?

innu udda ide, adre illige ishtu saaku. . . . the reason for the new found love for kannada.

Mar 6, 2011

9 -11

Its not the normal way that i write the date, usually I would choose to write 11 sept 2010. But this particular date has attained a celebrity status because its an important day to the Americans. . . .

Today is an important and auspicious day to the people who follow the faiths of Hinduism and Islam. I am not sure what I am about to write. this is all that struck me when I wrote the date. may be I was just concerned about the auspiciousness of the day than the importance given to it for what happened in america. This day that year.What happened in america is non of my business just like how what happened in India on 26-11 is not theirs. Today is Ganesh chaturthi and Ramzan. . . . In INDIA and the world over.

An interesting story about Ganesh chaturthi just crossed my mind. I had heard of it as a kid. I am just going with the flow, nothing is planned. According to the Hindu mythology, its a curse to see the moon, while in Islam the followers have to see the moon to break their fast, if I am not wrong. NOW, I wonder if all the muslims are going to be cursed this ganesh chathurthi or if all the Hindus who see the moon can take refuge in Islam for a day. . . .

A late night date with silence. . . .

Prelude : It was written a long time ago, sept 2010 to be precise. well, it isn't long if think it isn't? But time is time you can stretch it the way you want it. I prefer to see it as a long time. . . Now as i am typing it, there no silence around me, there is sound, sound of words in the background of some music. You can choose to read the same in the presence of either - sound or silence, which suits your taste. . . . 

Now the Date. . . . 
Listening to the sound of silence is such a pleasure. "clarification from the present - I would try to keep it as true as it was percieved without the influence of immediate". . . You just have to lend your ears open to the words of silence. Never bother to wonder who is responding to your thoughts and queries, but instead choose to believe the words you hear. Silence always speaks to you about something that you always wanted to know at that point in time. So in order to engage yourself in a conversation with the silence about things beyond that moment, all you need to do is bring back everything you want talk about, to the moment. I would suggest one thing at a time will be a good idea. Too many thoughts exchanged can only give rise to chaos. Chaos - not because silence is incapable of replying to you but you'll be unable to handle it for yourself. . . . . And the chaos may push you into depression. . .. 

If you're wondering how is it that I know So much that I've unravelled here about silence. I would simply say that everything you read was what I listened to, in my late night date with SILENCE, this very moment. . . .

i know its not funny but an effort to remember. . . . .

  • Rekha Ravikumar Who gave u tht
    12 hours ago ·

  • Akbar Bashu Client.....
    9 hours ago ·

  • Rekha Ravikumar my client gave me a benetonnn :)woohoo
    8 hours ago · · 1 personAkbar Bashu likes this.

  • Yatish Vt congrats akbar, its unfair that i've to know abt it though FB. . . . which colour. . . . :)
    57 minutes ago · · 2 peopleLoading...

  • Ullas Hydoor oh u got a gift ...didnt tell me che .... is it the same color as ur bullets???
    56 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading...

  • Vijithendra Thejaswi shit... i gotta buy a pair of anti-glares for my eyes asap... Bashu's walls got silver paint all over it!
    48 minutes ago · · 2 peopleLoading...

  • Ullas Hydoor silver did u say i heard it has got glitter on it
    46 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading...

  • Yatish Vt silver is the new gold. . . . you see all that glitters is not always gold. . . .
    44 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading...

  • Vijithendra Thejaswi but i wonder why silver? does anyone knw why?
    43 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading...

  • Ullas Hydoor it got anything to do with mileage???
    41 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading...

  • Yatish Vt WTF has silver got to do with mileage, fuck it sounds so cliche, does he believe all this shit. . . . I can't believe that the MAN believes this. . . . WOW!!!!!!!!
    39 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading...

  • Vijithendra Thejaswi I jus refreshed the page n discovered somethin... saw bashu's DP(thanks ullas)... the MAN himself is seen wearing anti glares... ;)
    33 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading...

  • Yatish Vt its an old pic dude. . . . . I guess he could foresee the future, or maybe its just silver. . . :)
    27 minutes ago ·

  • Ullas Hydoor silver he saw...silver he got ....silver is tht he bought
    26 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading...

  • Vijithendra Thejaswi he wears silver... he rides silver... wht else?
    22 minutes ago ·

  • Ullas Hydoor so u think he'll get more mileage guaranteed ????
    19 minutes ago ·

  • Yatish Vt i don't think the man is really bothered about the mileage, or IS HE? ? ? ? ? ?
    18 minutes ago ·

  • Vijithendra Thejaswi hmmm now dats a question which remains unanswered... even google doesn have an answer for it... try
    15 minutes ago · · 2 peopleLoading...

  • Ullas Hydoor only he can gauge the mileage ... after all he is the SILVERMAN
    *refer to IRON MAN

    15 minutes ago ·

  • Vijithendra Thejaswi i think rajnikant gave bashu that piece of advise!
    14 minutes ago ·

  • Vijithendra Thejaswi so lets make a sequel to the movie ಬಂಗಾರದ ಮನುಷ್ಯ !
    12 minutes ago ·

  • Yatish Vt dude wat arte talking abt......rajni giving advice to bashu, just imagine. . . .impossible, its the other way gyaan all the time. . . .
    10 minutes ago ·

  • Yatish Vt So is the MDBANC will produce the movie ehhhh. . . . warner bros are dying to buy the oversees distribution rights. . . . belli manava. . .
    3 minutes ago ·

  • Ullas Hydoor the production charges 'll be cheap and profit is more since it 'll hit the SILVER screen....
    2 minutes ago ·

  • Yatish Vt it'll run for long . . . . guess why, its being played on a SILVER screen

Feb 22, 2011

First rains of the season. . .

With some awesome music playing into my ears, stuck in the middle of a traffic jam, I got to taste the first drops of rain, this season. . . . 21 feb 20eleven. I wouldn’t have missed the taste of it for anything, if I were anywhere. . . . There was only one thing bothering here and it was my laptop and my phone. They are not weatherproof like I am.  
First thing I did as soon as I got out of the traffic was shout out loud whatever came to my mind, I really can’t think of anything in words. I would simply put it as sounds which came from somewhere deep within. I parked my bike, ran to kalmane dancing to the tunes of music playing in my ears, looking in the eye of all the onlookers sheltered under the awnings of the shops all along the side walk. . . .  
I left my vulnerable belongings behind at the safest place I could think off and I rushed out into the streets. . 

Smoked a cigarette standing at the same place where I’ve been basking in the sun for a long time now. . . . Once again I was up for the stares of the strangers, who must’ve been thinking of me as a psychopath, wandering the streets. Whatever people thought, it just does not matter, the cold drops cooled off my heavy head as they trickled down my face tickling all along. Its a feeling best experienced than expressed. . . .  

I am fucking happy the rains are here and they are here to stay for long. I am happy my bike will be washed off the dust of the summer. I am happy I didn’t miss the first rains. I am happy I smelled the fragrance of the dust as it rises from the ground. . . . I am happy everything will be cleansed all over again and I am happy that it’s just the beginning. . . .
As I am typing it now, I am happy that its still raining and the night is cooler than usual. . . . I am happy for everything the first downpour has triggered. . . .

The Wall. . . .

It’s a race against time and space. Time, before the end of which i have to complete and space , that is available for me to write what’s what. . . .No more bullshitting, even though I wanted to avoid what’s already done. It’s helplessness. . . .
It’s a beautiful, lazy Sunday evening. The light from the sun, up there on the horizon, before he says the final goodbye for the day, is cast on that ‘wall’ that’s right opposite me. The shadows on the wall tell the tales of everything that’s behind me. The golden rays of light from the dusk sun have painted the white wall, as if it were an artist’s canvas, in the colour of the yellow metal with the shadows that constantly change, depicting time that can never be captured but only experienced.

The race is over, the time has won, the sun has set, all that remains now is the plain canvas of the white wall, that will wait for the sun to return tomorrow, with a new story with new characters playing their part, while the space will now remain engulfed in darkness, waiting for light. . . .  

Don’t know yet, what it’s about. . . .

Wouldn't you know this was coming your way after the last post. . . . 

Right now, what I’ve written above is true. I have no idea what i am about to write. Just travelling on an unknown road, I am excited to see the destination at the end of it but not at the cost of losing the pleasure of the ride. . . I’m on a two wheeler mode – so it’s a ride. I just got my bike back from the service centre and she’s ready for the ride. . . In fact I returned just a moment ago from a test ride to see if I could put my trust in her to go on a long, really long journey. . . She rocks, I could feel her romancing the roads. . .
An amazing long car, one of my favourites, is parked on the road. . . . looking out of the window, sitting at my favourite place, waiting for one of my friend to come – I can only imagine a day when I’m inside one of them and somebody else looking at me in awe, as I am at this moment. The day is not in sight at this point in time but the hope of being in one makes me believe its not too far away. . . .
Another set of friends have dropped by. . . Not the ones I was waiting for, but they had informed me about their intent to meet me and that took the surprise out of the meeting. In their presence the friend i was waiting for also dropped in and the conversation turned into discussions and I couldn’t have the conversation I wanted with my friend. . . .
Days have passed ever since and still, the thoughts and the words I wanted to be spoken in the conversation remain fresh in my mind but the moment has been elusive. . . . I guess one can never create a situation in reality we live in, to speak the mind. . . . Mind speaks based on its understanding of the situation. . . .
I’ve been fucking my brains out for quite some time now. I’ve been jumping mediums of expression. Books have been jumbled and the continuity of events in my life has been misplaced in every other place. Putting them together can be a task in itself and I may never put in that extra effort to set things straight. I feel it’s important to let things go wrong wherever they can. . . Some respite from the boredom of order in the daily life. Chaos brings you back to life and keeps you on your toes and the excitement keeps you going a li’l further to see how things fair later, from what they are now. . . .

Jan 29, 2011

Something else. . . .

I was thinking of copying something that’s written in my book, like always I do, before putting it up on the WWW but I am in a fix to decide ‘which’ the something is, that deserves the priority. Toss of a coin won’t help because there are way too many to pick from. What it may help is – to decide which book to copy from. . . . I have two books in front of me right now.
Anyone who knows what I write and how I write would know, what I might end up doing in a situation like this. I would be happy to know if I managed to surprise them when they read it through and find me doing something out of my way. If do manage to surprise someone – anyone, then it’ll only go on to put a little more pressure on them for having failed to know me well enough......well its not that important.

I am not sure if anyone in the world would be interested in knowing this piece of information that I am about to share. I am typing all this, every new word that’s going to be read or that’ will just remain typed is being saved in an old file which is saved with a file name – “Don’t Know What It’s About. . . . . .”

As I told you earlier, If I were to copy something from one of the books and since the choice of selecting one  of them was a pretty tough one, those who know me well would now have a fair idea, of what a lazy bum like me might end up doing. . . . It’s a pretty simple thing, I would say, if you think – what would I do? 

If your thought is the same as what I am about to say then I will accept that you know me quite well. . . . I will Ctrl C what’s already typed in the first two pages of this file and come to the end of the page, after this line and Ctrl V. . . . . I can always lie to you and say this is what I chose to copy and also go on to lie to you that it was written in one of the books.

Did you just think I would do that? ? ? ?

Well I still don’t know as I am typing, what I would do. . . What’s already typed at the top of the page can go on to be a different story with the same name, as I’ve already told you. . . hope you remember the name. . . If you’ve forgotten then go back up and find out for yourself, enough spoon feeding is being done around here. . . ‘Here’ as in not ‘here’ but the ‘bigger here’ where we belong. . . .Time to be independent folks!!!!!

Finally coming to what I did or what I will do – I am at this point in time, is overwhelmed at the prospect of seeing what’s typed, making some sense and the fact that without a word being copied from either of the books or from one of the earlier pages in this file, yes of course the title is an exception, this can go on to survive on the WWW as “Something Else. . . .” 

oops.... did I? ? ?

It’s over now and this is between Me and You, After all, I am sure now, that you don’t know me as well as you think you know, guess it’s time to meet me more often to know me better.... If you’re not surprised with what you read then that makes me happy and I would treat you to a cup of coffee for sure....yeah coffee, at a place of my choice, that’s all I can afford.....