Jul 26, 2011

Same old shitty experiment.....

to see where and how to start anything new and find out what fills into the space in between the start and the finish....Before i typed the last line I was wondering if I should type this line that follows before that. I want you to read the first line in the same breath as you read the topic of the post above and this definitely isn't the beginning. But then i chose to say what is already said before I said what I intended to say.... For me both work just as fine as the other as long as both find a time and place in what i do while I do what I am doing.

After having said all that i had in my mind to say, I am now staring into the screen of my laptop with no idea of what to do next. I am continuing to wonder... I wonder if all this makes any sense. I wonder if there's any meaning in what i am doing. I wonder if I should just post it for I have already said why I am doing what I am doing. I wonder when is the time that is right to just click that button that will make it available to the whole world... I wonder how is that world that I may never see which is in access to what I feel about this very moment. I wonder If times stands still till I make that decision to do.... I wonder if all that I can only do is WONDER at the wonder of this wonder called 'whatever that one may call it but which a few choose to call it A WONDERFUL life'. I am still wondering or wandering still, Am I ?!

Without any fear of making mistakes I am continuing to ponder over the eventuality of getting somewhere anywhere where I may find I wonder what... But anything is welcome with open arms wide spread, wide enough to accommodate even more....

Looking down at the bottom of the screen I can now see an orange button that says publish now and the one next to it thats been constantly saving while i am toggling between other tabs trying to socialize on one page and check mail on the other... and the third one says Preview.... I beginning to wonder once again if preview is going to be any different from what I already know. And then there's this cautionary blinker that pops up every time the second button tries to automatically save 'All' my effort from the last 45 minutes to say these words that's so discouraging to continue doing what I am doing.... It says "An error occurred while trying to save".....

And that's the point I decided not try and save this into my draft nor see the preview of what I already know but instead press the button that says - publish post....sorry for eating away few precious minutes of your life But I see there are PARALLELS that can be DRAWN....

1 comment:

  1. just the way these post have an option of previewing before publishing , every situtions in our day-to-day life has that option.. but most of them fail to even notice that option...
