Dec 8, 2012

the search. . .

Wat search ?!. . . i don't know, some kinda experiment to just see where i reach at the end of it all. so, where do i start - the search.

search - in literal terms means - Try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly.
try means - make an attempt or effort to do something!
find - discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly!
 something - a thing that is unspecified or unknown!
looking -  have a view or outlook in a specified direction!
otherwise - in circumstances different from those present or considered
seeking - attempt or desire to obtain or achieve
 carefully - taking care or paying attention
thoroughly - in an exhaustive manner. . .
hmmm. . . . let me just continue. . .with the BS!

now my search means something like this -[make an attempt or effort to do something!] to [discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly!] [a thing that is unspecified or unknown!] by [having a view or outlook in a specified direction!] or [ in circumstances different from those present or considered] [attempt or desire to obtain or achieve] [taking care or paying attention] and [in an exhaustive manner. . . ]!

now have i understood the meaning of search?!. . . WELL, it means much more. . .or does it? is it getting complicated the more you try to understand or is it getting more diluted as you continue to search?! still the question remains unasked - What SEARCH?! or search WHAT? without understanding 'how' it is that we have to search for what we're searching for, how on earth can we go ahead and say it aloud, "the search for the meaning of life!" want to know more now. . . go ahead, now u know - how?! hmm, i guess how here is an answer and hence how. and not how?!. now that's about it. but if you wish to go on, then its.......

make means form (something) by putting parts together
discover - Become aware of!
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unknown - stranger!
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outlook - general attitude to life
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circumstances - a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.
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attempt - an act of trying to achieve something!
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attention - the mental faculty of considering or taking notice of someone or something!
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exhaustive -  examining, including, or considering all elements or aspects
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 may you find the search for the meaning of life and let the world know and i'll be waiting! haha :)

two worlds . . . .

a moment here and a moment there, a step here and a step there. . . . thats how i live in a world of my own, can also be read a fantasy and real world . . . . .
if somebody gave me choice to pick one and leave the other, will i ever be able to make that call. i don't know. i can never be sure. why would i spend a moment here and a moment there. may be its because you need both in equal measure or else, one would never have fantasized or he who fantasizes may have never returned. with every passing moment we seek something, not really sure if we are sure of what we're seeking but nevertheless we seek. Its more of a question. until you find or get an answer, you can take solace in the other world.

BS. . . I know ! ! !

now if i end up posting this