Jan 26, 2010
17. New business card - urbanwindows

Jan 18, 2010
16. Words . . . . as powerful as these, WOW ! ! !

Voila – there you are, hey presto
Vaudevillian - theatrical genre of variety entertainment in the United States and Canada from the early 1880s until the early 1930s
Veteran - experienced person
Vicariously – sensationally
Victim – sufferer
Villain - nasty piece of work
Vicissitudes – a change or variation occurring in the course of something.
Visage – facade
Veneer - thin covering
Vanity – egotism
Vestige – evidence
Vox - Populi - Popular opinion or sentiment
Vacant – unoccupied
Vanished – nowhere to be found
Valorous – courageous
Visitation – The act of visiting
Vexation – displeasure
Vivified – To give or bring life to
Vowed – be determined
Vanquish – conquer
Venal – willing to sell one's influence
Virulent – dangerous
Vermin - parasites
Van – advance guard
Vice – subordinate
Vouchsafing - give your word
Violently – brutally
Vicious – ferocious
Voracious – hungry
Violation – breach
Volition – decision
Verdict – judgment
Vengeance – retaliation
Vendetta – grudge
Votive – symbolizing a wish
Vain – unsuccessful
Value – price
Veracity – honour
Vindicate - prove right
Vigilant - on your guard
Virtuous – righteous
Verily – In truth
Vichyssoise – A thick creamy potato soup flavoured with leeks and onions
Verbiage – overabundance of words
Veers – swerve
Verbose - talkative
Jan 12, 2010
15. Fear of money . . . .
But when I say I need to work on the characters does that mean I need to give name to the characters, if I have to do that, then it makes my life more miserable, rather I'll leave it to the readers' discretion for naming the characters, I'll only etch them out for them . . . . These characters could be anyone around you, the ones you know and why not IT could be you too, or ME for that matter. . . . that's all for now, wait until I find time to talk about MONEY, as they say TIME IS MONEY. . . .
Jan 11, 2010
Jan 10, 2010
13. It all starts within . . . .
Jan 9, 2010
12. Madness . . . .
I shall elaborate a lot more on the situation and the frame of mind at that point in time, as I write along . . . . This is not a story that I am about to share with you, its an experience of How i traversed time from frustration to liberation. . . . Liberation of the mind form being bogged down by the pressures of having to do things the way they meant to be done. . . . Meant to be done the way someone had managed to do and a few others thought it was "THE WAY" the things have to be done. . . . I wanted this write-up to be my first one for the new year - 2010, but unfortunately to share what a free mind went through in those two days of TIME TRAVEL, I needed to be free, free from the realities, the very same realities that forced me to liberate myself. I wanted my mind to be in absolute solitude while I write this - about the journey of liberation of a incarcerated mind. . . . Yep, today as I am writing this, sitting at my office in the same company as Who I will be talking about in the course of this write-up, I am in a state of momentary solitude.
As for what I will be writing in here now, I may not be able to assure you the complete picture not because I am in momentary solitude not in an absolute one. . . but you'll sure get a glimpse of what you can expect as a Sequel, if I may call it, whenever I feel like adding to what I have already shared. What I am sharing with you is a small insight, that i have prepared, while sitting alone at a corner table looking at all the people, Who I think need the same BREAK as I had just come back from, at the Kalmane Koffees. . . . Kalmane Koffees is one of those rare places in Bangalore where I can find solitude, Solitude not just while sitting alone at the coffee shop, but also in the wake of being surrounded by the stares of strangers looking at me as though i am being an ALIEN in my own town, just because I am sitting alone. I remember telling a friend of mine, that I can find solitude in the busiest street in Bangalore,I also remember saying that Being alone is not solitude. . . As I've already mentioned before, another place in town, where I am One with MYSELF is my OFFICE, the office of Urban Windows. We practice architecture, at least We think so, at the moment.
Finally coming to the point in discussion, I would like to break the journey of Self liberation of two Minds trying to break free from the jinx of realities that the SO called Civilised society throws at you into the following parts, If I may call them as chapters. . . .
chapter one - 3 Idiots
chapter two - time of contemplation
chapter three - the decision
chapter four - madness - the journey did begin finally
chapter 5 - the ride and the events
tea at 5 am on mysore road
nice ride on the NICE road
breakfast at ossoor coffee estates - WOW
a nap on the shiradi ghat - national highway
final stretch and the destination
chapter 6 - preparation for the ascent
and most importantly what ....we forgot
chapter 7 - people on the trek
chapter eight - high on the high mountains
chapter nine - bhattara mane[Bhat's House]
chapter ten - food, rain, headache, sleep, shelter, lost CONTACT
chapter 11 - wake up to the song by Alaka
chapter 12 - GOOD morning KP
chapter 13 - lost path
chapter 14 - finally met them - they started last night before our madness even began
chapter 15 - RUN, RUN, RUN - pushing the limit
chapter 16 - philosophy at the top - thoughts of a free mind
chapter 17 - running back into the woods
chapter 18 - meet the freinds and the strangers
chapter 19 - time for contemplation
chapter 20 - yet another decision
chapter 21 - return to the madness, new exploration on a different route
chapter 22 - butterflies, no vehicles, moving mountains, two mad minds in search liberation
chapter 23 - new found places and the ELATION of the mind on finding them
chapter 24 - back to where we belong - REALITY STRIKES and STRIKES HARD . . . .
Jan 5, 2010
11. twenty10

Jan 3, 2010
10. Golden quadrilateral . . . .
Today I read in the newspaper about a couple of friends who were planning to ride the golden quadrilateral in less than 100 hrs. I want this blog to be a reminder for me, to make our own ride on the golden Quadrilateral but a ride unlike the one these guys are planning - a one the is not TIME BOUND.
In fact, Ullu actually had this plan of hitting the GQ someday, I decided to be part of this venture while returning from the ride to Kumaraparvatha hills - a good ride of about 650 Kms. But Why Ullu of all the people I know, It was quite simple - all the others Who I think can be part of this journey are Married or planning to get married . . . . There it ends.
Now....Waiting for the day when I pack my bags in the middle of yet another night, hit the road on my Bike on a journey to discover more of myself . . . . . or should I say Ourselves. Now that the plan is ready, there's a small glitch - TIME.
As i am publishing this post - what I did not realize is that Its My first Blog of this Year - my best wishes to all, Hope every thing works out well for every one - starting from me Obviously. I was very eager to write about my Bike trip to KP hills before the new year but again ,as always the problem was the same - TIME. May be before the memories of the trip fades in time, I shall make time to write the experience of one my best bike trips till date.