Last things first, This this the last thing which struck me before i publish this post. Before I typed all this which you may read in a while,
I never knew the possibilities. In the mean time while I typed
all this shit,
Ullas came up with some
awesome watercolor paintings off which I may flick one and clip it on to my gallery. . . . He's an
artist of another kind and
i own a gallery of another kind.
Just an hour ago, I was
going through a mind block and now
i'm high on thoughts.
I just
killed all the lies with just a few lines of words which were put together in a way to
make no sense to anyone. I successfully
separated the lies and the truth.
A divorce of sorts. It does not matter if what i said is right or wrong.
They are true, no matter what.
That is probably the
power of what one feels. Then I learned a lesson or two about feelings. . . .
Feelings are better than the form they take. I can surrender myself to the
millions of words in the English dictionary to describe that
feeling and the
form. I hardly
know a few, the very few i know
at this moment and a few which I may learn as
I learn to live while I
continue to live.
trying to overcome the mind block I realized something about
'the moment'. How a moment
comes to exist and and how
it ends. A moment is neither a scalar nor a vector quantity. . . It cannot be
gauged by time. The moment
lived 'now' continues to
exist for as long as you
find another moment to
replace the last. I will write about all that and more
someday when i am
low on thoughts, for today is dedicated to
remind me of what to write on
that someday.
Also realized,
how being an architect, I would end up
living the lives of all the different kinds of
people who come to me to design for them. I've to
live their life to know their
way of life to design something that would suit them to live or
I will have failed myself as an architect. In doing so, the only time
outside of the time when I get to live
my life as an architect might be between
40 and
50, i am just
predicting, they are just numbers, when i get to
design my own House. Don't try to even imagine for a moment how
my way of life would be unless
i come to you to design my house.....
This is the second time
i tried the same trick to come out of the
mind block. While the first time I thought the
same state as being a
'writer's block'. Any person doing any work, when he is stuck for ways to do things is called
'his block'. . . . When you are designing something and stuck then you can call it a
'designer's block' . . . . What
I realized today is that, every time its was
'the mind block', irrespective of what you are trying to do. I cracked it and its flowing out in all directions and
here's where i am trying to gather them.