First thing I did as soon as I got out of the traffic was shout out loud whatever came to my mind, I really can’t think of anything in words. I would simply put it as sounds which came from somewhere deep within. I parked my bike, ran to kalmane dancing to the tunes of music playing in my ears, looking in the eye of all the onlookers sheltered under the awnings of the shops all along the side walk. . . .
I left my vulnerable belongings behind at the safest place I could think off and I rushed out into the streets. .
Smoked a cigarette standing at the same place where I’ve been basking in the sun for a long time now. . . . Once again I was up for the stares of the strangers, who must’ve been thinking of me as a psychopath, wandering the streets. Whatever people thought, it just does not matter, the cold drops cooled off my heavy head as they trickled down my face tickling all along. Its a feeling best experienced than expressed. . . .
I am fucking happy the rains are here and they are here to stay for long. I am happy my bike will be washed off the dust of the summer. I am happy I didn’t miss the first rains. I am happy I smelled the fragrance of the dust as it rises from the ground. . . . I am happy everything will be cleansed all over again and I am happy that it’s just the beginning. . . .
As I am typing it now, I am happy that its still raining and the night is cooler than usual. . . . I am happy for everything the first downpour has triggered. . . .